We are a volunteer group dedicated to encouraging older adults in the Dundas community to participate in programs that promote and enrich a healthy, active lifestyle.

The Dundas 55+ Group is an independent, not-for-profit organization. The Group, supported by the City of Hamilton Recreation Division (Seniors), runs three ten week sessions of classes each year at the Dundas Community Centre for adults 55+.

Our selection of affordable programs is based on the positive feedback and suggestions from our participants. All of our classes are offered at the Dundas Community Centre, a fully accessible building situated in the heart of Downtown Dundas. We are grateful to the City for letting us run our programs at this facility.

Come, take one of our programs, and connect with our community.

For more information about Dundas 55 plus, such as participating in class or program activities,
or anything else we do and support,
please contact us at 
[email protected]

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